Friday, March 26, 2010

Monthly "Emergency Situations"

We all want to be prepared in times of emergency. Problem is, we don't know when or what type of emergency will hit.

In an attempt to "practice" getting prepared, we'll post a monthly emergency situation. This sitatuion will offer you the opportunity to put the situation in perspective and determine if you and your family would truly be prepared if it were a real emergency. If not, you'll find links to sites that will offer information that will help you get better prepared.

We look forward to receiving comments as you discuss the situations and determine steps you can take to get better prepared.

Send Us Your Favorite Resources

What will make help make this site helpful is your input!

You all have great ideas and resources. Please submit them to We'll add them to the blog and make a great, helpful resource for us all.

Getting Organized!

Welcome to the Lehi 23rd Ward Emergency Preparedness Blog. Our goal is to provide helpful information to help you and your family be better prepared for emergency situations.

The committee's first goal was to organize the neighborhood into updated block areas with designated block captains and assistant block captains.

Next, block captains provided all neighborhood households with an emergency notification kit that consists of colored signs to post in front windows when in an emergency situation. These signs help block captains quickly assess the status of each family in emergency sitations.

If you do not have an emergency notification kit, please e-mail us at